Chapter 14-16


On illustrator through chapter fourteen and sixteen was awesome, The way we were mixing images with letters to give out that awesome logo kind of vibe. Other then that it was pretty interesting and fun to do, can’t wait to find out what else i’ll be able to do next on photoshop!

I learned a lot in the tour trip through myrtle beach to columbia at the University of South Carolina and I saw a lot of Graphical art and other art designs made in their own University’s art room and presented through the University South Carolina tour guide or also known as the professor. Even though the trip was long to the University of South Carolina I thought it was definitely worth the trip and having this chance to look into depth and have a tour guide of what it is like and what they had to present in their own campus.

I was able to attend for the state fair and got the chance to go, it was awesome going to the state fair! Some of the people in my classes had their designs made it into the state fair and I thought that was great that they got theirs in the state fair art show. State fair was great but I got exhausted from walking around the state fair and I don’t mean to be negative about the state fair but a lot of the people there were very sketchy. I had fun although it was a long day and a long trip to the University and State fair and back home.

I haven’t really got onto into the competitions yet with all honesty, I was just getting caught up on work I felt like I couldn’t have time to be able to do them. I would if I could spare the time.

Weekly blog five!

(I’m dating these blogs for now on to make it easier)

Chapters eleven through thirteen were pretty fun and interesting, they also seemed easy to do, some of my friends asked for help and so did I as well and asked the teacher for help. It sometimes is difficult doing these chapters and I just need a little bit of help as well at the same time. I’ll manage through the chapters and can’t wait until what comes up next!

I’ve been doing great so far and been learning so much from illustrator and learning what I could as my friends help me out. My Ocean Bay middle school logo looks pretty good so far, I might have done it differently then from some of the other students but I like it. Other students might have found another way to do it easier then the way I tried to make my logo which was a long process I have to admit. I think everyone else’s logo looks awesome and better then mine.

I tried to help out whenever I could but the other students seemed like they got it themselves, I also tried to give out a few ideas to help out with the door and suggested a few other ideas. I sorta tried to help out, I didn’t really know what else I could do or anyone wanted help with anything else or did anyone asked me for help or what I could bring back and stuff.

All of the other classes had a lot different designs then we had, I like the door we have rather then some of the classes I have. Although I think their door looks great to be honest. I didn’t know what I could’ve done to help out or what to exactly do to help the other students or other classes I have with the door designs.


Illustrator Experiments and Ideas for the door

Reflecting back on Illustrator chapters through six to ten I’ll be honest got a bit more difficult for me at least. On the sixth chapter wasn’t too difficult just as well the others as long have my peers to help me through the tutorials and instructions. Chapter seven was a little hard and after that it kept getting more difficult but understanding what I had to do, it felt like the easiest task in the world even though it seem so complicated at first or how it was worded I didn’t understood.

I experimented on illustrator with images like deadpool and characters with gas masks and other game characters such as like a destiny two characters and much more as well of making emblems of movies and logos and other games. So far I made a Star Wars Republic emblem and i’m making a gas mask character that I think is pretty cool.

I made a reference from the game and movie of deadpool’s mask which in my opinion I think was pretty awesome, I would like to be able have some more time to work on it and improve it even more if I had the time. The tutorials would be helpful to create or even improve my own little designs as I continue to work on illustrator and follow along the way.

I’ve been trying to wonder about it and come up with an idea for decorating the door for Breast Cancer Awareness, but I really don’t have any ideas. At the moment me and my entire class have been discussing about it so far. I can try to buy what we need but I couldn’t promise I will be able to. We all planned out what were going to do though, they also are talking about it in a group chat over iPhones, sadly I won’t be able to join because I have an android.

Looking at Illustrator!


Reflecting on the first five chapters of the Illustrator book I been having fun learning how to create the designs that I thought I couldn’t even have the basic knowledge to make or helping on I could possibly make, I realized how much I could do with illustrator and make with it. There is a lot you could with illustrator and I wish I knew how to use it before I even I got into the class and the other softwares such as photo shop as well.

First chapter was pretty easy but as we continue to proceed more in depth into it got more difficult even when the books were a tutorial for an older version of illustrator and we had the more updated. In general the books were a bit confusing and I remember asking for to my peers as well in all honesty but I still managed to work with it, as well I always got someone to help explain or show me how to go through some of the work i’ll be able to do a lot.

I learned how to trace images and fill in color shapes and changing the points as well anchor points with it in making curved lines and shapes. I also learned on how to use the slice tool, the shape tool, the pen, and many more that I couldn’t remember the names of to be honest with my self, there’s a lot!

I didn’t enter because I felt like I couldn’t be able have the time and effort due to me being new to this school and being hit left and right with work and school work which in my opinion was my main priority on getting done and keeping up with my grades staying on track.

Well it really depends on whenever  I feel comfortable on entering with contests and state fair whenever my grades are high enough or at least ninety or above because I feel like my grades are more important in my opinion than entering contests.

Yay Irma missed us!


Well, we didn’t really do much besides my family freaking out over tornado that wasn’t even coming towards us and seeing other families boarding up their windows as if the world was even ending. At the end of the day the hurricane didn’t it which i’m greatful for not having another hurricane hitting last year.  Even though we got prepared just incase the power went out, made sure we got a generator so we can keep our food cold, got some canned food, charged our portable batteries once we lost power so we can charge our phones once they were low on power, got jugs of water to freeze into ice to keep some of the coolers cool. Overall we were just ready ever since from hurricane matthew.

I found ideas on what to make and saw some pretty cool stuff and gave me idea on what to make. Seems pretty good on about giving me some directions on what to make and ideas that I can do for my next assignment.

Illustrator was confusing at first with trying to read books to learn how to use the program but I learnt hands on and experimented on it to learn how to use it a bit, Im more of a learning hands on instead of books smart kind of person. It was fun actually, I realized how much potential I could do with it and make just using the creativity. Once I get the hang of it and learn how to use the program i’m hoping i’d be able to make something amazing.

I experimented on tracing around images and just doodling, really I didn’t make anything except for doodles and just practicing Illustrator to know how to use the program. I’m trying make something interesting at the moment without running into technical problems.

If it was about to me, i’d be creating abstract art of almost just about anything and edit images just for like wallpapers or just some little things to put out there or just set as my wallpaper just to inspire myself and others on what they possibly could do.


My first impression

I felt like my presentation went well but at the same time I over thought it or just stressed too much about it even though it was the first project. After that I thought how ridiculous it was for me being worried about the project. I still felt like I could’ve done better if I hadn’t freaked out over it.

I didn’t really had a favorite presentation, I thought they were all great, even way better then mine. The one that stood out was digital photography. It stood out for me because taking pictures of beautiful environments and traveling places that so many people don’t get a chance to see and just experience drifting from place to place.

My first impressions of Academy for the Arts Science and technology be a better school, with better people, and with a better education. I didn’t expected everyone to be so friendly and welcoming people even though they didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know why I was so nervous switching to different schools when I got to talk some of the people even though I don’t know anyone here.

First impressions about the Web and digital communications major was a lot different then I expected from normal classes that I took at my previous school, it was more challenging, everyone had the similar interests and similar goals, it wasn’t like my old school where everyone had completely different goals and couldn’t even follow them because the school they were in.

Three jobs were Hunter and Trapper, Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairer, Audio and Video Equipment Technicians. It didn’t exactly fit in with some of the jobs it offered that I wanted to work in but I still had some that I would love to do as a career or job. I was looking forward into more of technology or just anything similar involving computers, phones, tablets, mac, almost just about anything.