Spring break


During working on Dreamweaver I learned a lot while I was learning on helping to make or redo a site. Doing this, it gave me great ideas on what to make next on my very own website to keep me occupied. Although Dreamweaver is very difficult for and learning code acadamy. Even when Dreamweaver and CodeAcademy  is very difficult for me, I tried my best to work on them both as hard as possible to get it done.


I spent my spring break over at my father’s house which was a very long drive, also help on making some timber as well. After that I was exhausted, but I still had fun over at my father’s house. After that I came back home and enjoyed the rest of my spring break which was really fun that I have to admit.



I’m going make a lot on my website as i’m reflecting on some of the other seniors websites to give me an good idea on what I should make, I know its going  to be heavily animated visuals and make it a bit interesting. I’m hoping I can get it done very early as soon as I can although I’m working my hardest on it even though coding and CSS isn’t my favorite.

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